Aligning Human Capital with Business Strategy: The Role of SHRM

The key to effective SHRM is aligning it with the strategic goals of an organisation, allowing the HR department and employees to contribute to the organisation achieving its short-term and long-term objectives.

Change Management

A Multibeam and Sub-Bottom Survey for a Shallow Draft Port

The technology CEAC used for bathymetric surveys include single-beam echo sounding, multibeam echo sounding, and side-scan sonar satellite.

Bathymetric Surveys

Job Hopping: Finding Balance in Career Exploration

In today’s dynamic job market, the concept of job hopping has become increasingly common. Defined as frequently changing employers or positions, job hopping has both its advocates and detractors which professionals must explore when navigating their […]

Career Balance

Exploring the Feasibility of a 4-Day Work Week in Jamaica

The concept of a 4-day work week presents both challenges and opportunities for Jamaica. Addressing these negative cultural and social implications would require careful planning, communication, and collaboration


Employee Engagement: Crafting a Positive Workplace Culture

Fostering employee engagement has become a cornerstone of successful organizations, and employers are increasingly realizing the impact that an engaged workforce can have on overall productivity, innovation, and employee retention. Engaged employees are not just committed […]

The Impact of Employee Turnover on a Company’s Success

Employee turnover, the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by new hires, can have a profound effect on an organization’s overall success. Whether it’s voluntary or involuntary, high turnover rates can be […]

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