CEAC continued its ongoing contribution to the Hill Run, St Catherine community in July, by renovating the community signpost and replacing the old community Notice Board. The improvements will allow residents to better communicate with each other about local events and advisories and more, while the renovation of the sign will brighten and beautify the Hill Run town square.
Jolene McGregor, Senior Incinerator Operator of HAZPRO, CEAC’s Waste Management Service, pointed out that the company considered itself a part of the Hill Run community, and is therefore vested in its long-term development and sustainability. In recent months, CEAC has also taken on other community enhancement and improvement projects, such as the planting of over 50 Seaside Mahoe and Santa Maria saplings, which will eventually grow to become flowering trees. The saplings were planted in and around the community, and were selected for their hardiness and adaptability to the local climate.
“We are a part of this community, and as stewards of the environment, we are committed to helping our neighbours and the wider Hill Run community enhance and improve the area overall.” McGregor added