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HRM: Evolving Trends in Jamaica

The world of work has certainly undergone significant changes in recent time and continues to evolve. There are several new trends in Human Resource Management (HRM) that are being implemented globally, including in Jamaica. These include: […]

CEAC Committed to Hill Run

CEAC continued its ongoing contribution to the Hill Run, St Catherine community in July, by renovating the community signpost and replacing the old community Notice Board. The improvements will allow residents to better communicate with each […]

Telecommuting in a post-COVID Economy

Since the outbreak of covid-19 Jamaica has been experiencing massive effects from the imposed trend of work from home. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) has been one such industry feeling a brunt of weight, especially following Alcorica’s […]

Electric Vehicles: The Wave of the Future?

Countries such as Norway, Iceland, and Sweden have taken the lead in the international marketplace as it relates to electric vehicle (EV) adoption. At the forefront of this revolution, Norway boasts a 49% acceptance and usage […]

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