Accounting Technician

Job Summary

The Accounting Technician is responsible for providing support to the finance department by managing daily accounting tasks. This role involves maintaining financial records, preparing reports, and reconciling bank statements. The Accounting Technician will work closely with their supervisor to ensure accurate and timely financial reporting.

More News Releases

The Evolving Role of HR in Addressing Mental Health and Wellness

Recently we have seen increased attention being placed mental health and wellness in Jamaica; the government is allocating resources to provide mental health support services in schools and has embarked on a public education campaign to […]

HRM: Evolving Trends in Jamaica

The world of work has certainly undergone significant changes in recent time and continues to evolve. There are several new trends in Human Resource Management (HRM) that are being implemented globally, including in Jamaica. These include: […]

CEAC Committed to Hill Run

CEAC continued its ongoing contribution to the Hill Run, St Catherine community in July, by renovating the community signpost and replacing the old community Notice Board. The improvements will allow residents to better communicate with each […]

The Impact of Employee Turnover on a Company’s Success

Employee turnover, the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by new hires, can have a profound effect on an organization’s overall success. Whether it’s voluntary or involuntary, high turnover rates can be […]

Benefits of residential Solar/PV systems

Type of Systems Grid Tie – Is a simple installation of panels where there is no storage present. This system allows the user to reduce their electricity cost by making direct use of energy generated. Unfortunately […]

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